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Dettaglio News

The company Selecta Digital Service of Venice, using Digitax Automotive Electronics technology, has won all the principal italian nationwide tenders for Public Transport applications

The Selecta Digital Service, a well known company active in the Infomobility sector applied to the public and private Transports, has won all the principal Italian nation wide tenders, announced during the year 2006 and the first quarter 2007, aimed at the supply of integrated solutions for the Public Transports management.

Selecta Digital Service have proposed integrated solutions of Service Certification with the use of hardware and software systems for the Operative Central and devices mounted into the transport units, implementing the on board Digitax devices, now reference standard of the specific sector.

1,700 of The Digitax on board Mobile Data Terminal: 3GMDT have been used in these projects.

3GMDT Mobile Data Terminal mounting photos:
Mobile Data Terminal 3G MDTMobile Data Terminal 3G MDTMobile Data Terminal 3G MDTMobile Data Terminal 3G MDTMobile Data Terminal 3G MDTMobile Data Terminal 3G MDT

The company Selecta Digital Service of V


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